The issues regarding the debt talks are numerous but lets look at one in particular taxes. Taxes have always been a large part of United States life in fact it was the reason why we decide to become independent anyway but this time however it isn't about "no taxation without representation". Its deciding on how much to increase the taxes that we pay? The Republicans are more in favor of not raising taxes and instead cutting back on some federal programs such as Medicare and Social Security or even possibly ending these programs; while the Democrats want to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations.
The Republicans most recent plan is calling for no tax increases at all and instead to remove Medicare and make our elderly pay for all their medicine by themselves. As you can guess the public is not responding well to this plan with an overwhelming majority wanting to keep the it the same. What are the Republicans thinking? Do they think that if we just keep everything the same as it is then everything will be fine and that we'll be able to go back to the good old days when we didn't even need to worry about our debt? We need to do something either way if by either closing tax loopholes or raising them in the traditional sense in which we all pay higher taxes.
In my opinion I say that we do both options; that way both sides are happy. The Republicans get a small tax increase instead of a large one and the Democrats are able to get a tax increase that could lead to more in the upcoming years and by closing off the tax loopholes it will make up the lost revenue from the small tax increase. I believe this is most likely the solution that seems remotely possible in the upcoming weeks. Hopefully by then they realize that this problem isn't going away for awhile and both parties quit their little chicken game before it causes even more trouble than we started with. Though we will just have to wait and see won't we.
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