You've got to be kidding me! Do you really think that by extending our limit our problems will just disappear? Multiple credit rating systems such as Standard & Poor and Moody's have both said that they may downgrade our credit rating. That I would say is a very bad thing that won't be going away with just a flick of a wrist. We need to fix our debt desperately considering that our nation doesn't get all its money from its citizens but rather foreign investors such as China who holds the largest amount of the bonds that we sell to investors.
House Speaker John Boehner also told reporters that the plan that the Democrats are offering offers no real change to the way our government spends money every year and that the biggest driver of our debt today and tomorrow are entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare. I admit that entitlement programs take up a large portion of our budget every year that continues to increase every year with more people retiring. However we knew these kinds of programs would lead us to this situation sooner or later ,and we still didn't deal with until now with the clock rolling down so now isn't time to propose cuts to a program that should have been solved a long time ago. The Democrats may or may not offer any real change besides increased taxes its still better that putting millions of Americans out of a paycheck that they depend on to live.
We all need to accept the fact that we need drastic cuts in our federal budget. We need to raise taxes and end loopholes but we need to as well fix our system of entitlements as well; though we need to do the latter after we come to a deal because like I said before not only will the United States be affected but the world as well. So let's all remain optimistic that our political leaders will stop butting heads and decide on a plan at least.
Picture from https://realmac.macdock.com/realmacsoftware/2007/addons/images/products/countdown.png
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